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Southerrn Catalpa (Catalpa bignonoides) colonizing an old railbed in central Durham, site of the future Durham Beltline Trail.

Southerrn Catalpa (Catalpa bignonoides) colonizing an old railbed in central Durham, site of the future Durham Beltline Trail.

Susannah and I were on one of our walks about town and musing on names for this new company. I had been thinking about trees having qualities I admired: the supple strength of Lindens, the grace of Redbuds, the steadfastness of Oaks, the generosity of Elms, that sort of thing. Susannah mentioned the Catalpa as we passed by a specimen growing in the front yard of Durham School of the Arts, and at length we considered that it was a good avatar for many things we value. It’s a native tree that shows up in difficult places and exhibits unusual grace despite circumstances. It helps reclaim disused places. It’s a tree that Whitman might have used as a symbol for his democratic enumerations in Leaves of Grass.

Grayson Baur